Friday, November 19, 2021

Pray for Kenosha and America

Kenosha and other towns are about to be exploited by outside BLM/ANTIFA agitators… Pray for God’s Will in America and the safety of innocent people that are going to be caught up in it all.

Event 1: Police shoot an armed man that had already demonstrated violent behavior towards Police trying to arrest him on a Warrant for Sexual Assault.  

Event 2: Protests break out in the community that include widespread looting, property damage and assaults on residents. A lot of outside the area protestors show up and agitate locals.  

Event 3: Community members assemble to defend the property of friends and family from possible larceny and real property damage.  

Event 4: A Young man who went to the community in which he has family and social ties… here’s where it gets tricky.  

In my opinion he should not have been there… He got caught up in the hype and as I said when it happened… his mother and other family members should be answering for some things too. But… the fact does remain that his presence and possession of the firearm was entirely legal.  No one can prove any intent other than trying to piece together a bunch of supposition and opinions.  

But let’s get back to the fact that a convicted felon approached this young man on private property in an aggressive manner several times… this prompted the young man to withdraw. He was pursued again with more aggressive actions from the attacker and others. #FAFO

At this point the the young man did what was best… he attempted to get away from a growing crowd that was becoming even more belligerent.  During his flight away from his attackers… he was assaulted and then threatened with deadly weapons. 

After having been stomped on the pavement by another convicted felon… the young man was assaulted by another man swinging a deadly weapon. That attacker was immediately dispatched by the young man when yet another armed attacker came at him… 

The ‘street medic’ convicted felon that was carrying a semiautomatic pistol and took aim at the fleeing child got exactly what he deserved… legally.  

His appropriate response was to defend himself in a legal manner.  #FAFO

But now as the young man’s trial is wrapping up awaiting the end of jury deliberations… a mainstream corporate liberal ‘news’ outlet 

Friday November 19, 2021 

Kyle Rittenhouse is acquitted of all charges.