Now here's an idea! The complexities of politics combined with the
actual job of achieving something has made the leadership position in
OUR country an impossibility. The whole idea of what the Framer's
intended has warped into something liken to a hydra. A mythical beast
capable of accomplishing and directing attention at a plethora of issues
and agendas.
Just ain't happnin' anymore is it folks?!
So what
sort of solution should We The People be seeking out? Here's my idea...
Since the US Supreme Court has verified the existence of corporations
and such as entities, Why not make a Presidential Council of an Odd
The advantages of having multiple persons to make the
ultimate decisions that are far more important to continue leaving it to
the entity as established now are numerous. How broad a spectrum of
knowledge is now required to lead The United States? I know that it is a
heck of a lot to ask of just one person. A perfect example is to look
at the way our President's have aged in appearance while in office. Our
current President has even lost much of his sleeping confidence due to
the enormous amount of stress he remains under. This has become
detrimental to Our Nation and will continue to destroy US. We The
People must take back OUR government.
The World is a much
different place than it was in the 1700s, and America the land of the
Free and home of the Brave seriously needs to reevaluate how We The
People are allowing things to be done in Our Name and at Our Expense. We
The People are shedding blood, sweat and Tears along with this
trillions of units of something that We The People owe.
How long
will We The People continue to remain enslaved by a faltering system?
Will We The People allow ourselves to be marked and herded off to
slaughter by corporatocracy? We The People have the duty to become
involved and unite for Our future and common interests of ALL.
there's my idea in a little quick and easy format. What happens to
this idea? Does it sit here on this blog page as an eternal reminder
of my ranting or does it have any merit? Let's see what comments are
left and if anyone else is interested in promoting this. Granted there
are a lot of things that have to happen to do this, that's why it is
called Team President.
Thoughts Folks?