Monday, July 22, 2013

The RFID Mandate . . .

**UPDATE...Well Sort of.**
          October 30, 2013
This morning I was questioned on this post, so I am re-researching and such and want any readers to know that there may be a bit too much supposition in the posting as is.  But. I'll get back to you readers on this.


Recently I was the subject of an attack upon something I had posted about President Obama on a thread about his response to the Zimmerman verdict in Florida.  The comment itself was really aimed at saying how screwed up our current government and political system is.  But, the mention on President Obama obviously does evoke some hostility… especially if you maker a candid statement.  The comment is screncapped below, unedited, along with other parts of the conversation. 

The point of this post is about the last comment .  .   .  But first let me say this about the disastrous healthcare system we have now and will have under the so-called Affordable Care Act.  The real costs of healthcare lie in two areas… liability and mandated standardization of care.  Until the courts and regulatory agencies can be reigned in on how much they are influenced by Insurance and Pharmaceutical industries, the healthcare professionals and their patients will continue to be subjected to high costs and a general decline in care. 

Once everyone is put on an even playing field in the medical service industry…their suppliers can then push forward more regulations and technology to force the industry to grow even more…all supposedly in the name of making Us healthier.  That’s Bullshit…plain and simple.  Anyone with some common sense can see how this has worked thus far for #WeThePeople.

So… let’s move on to the RFID Chips comment.  Mr. Snow, obviously you haven’t been paying much attention lately.  The US Department of Homeland Security has been preparing for this to occur for a decade.  .   . The first working paper was published in 2005.  ( )

Choice and Control (Consent) – Where possible, individuals should have the option not to participate in a program involving the use of RFID technology to record their movements, while maintaining the rights and privileges (but perhaps losing the convenience benefits) of other individuals who are participating in a program involving RFID technology. If a national security or other argument weighs against individual control, such an argument should be explicitly stated and the choice be made available to the extent possible. Perhaps under such circumstances, a notice and comment approach would be appropriate.” 

It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.”  Revelations 13:16

Implanting patients with RFID Chips is mandated in the Affordable Care Act.  Don’t believe me… read it yourself:

“The Secretary of Health and Human Services shall establish and begin implementation of the registry under section 519(g) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act”

Section 519 of The Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Acts deals with the regulation of Medical Devices. Additionally the United States Code also has already been amended to allow for human implantation of RFID technology.  In 2002 the FDA began working groups with industry research groups to develop RFID technology to use for tracking patients.  The main focus was to reduce misappropriated medical care and ease of access to patient information.

The FDA must research, develop and implement a “Implantable Radiofrequency Transponder System for Patient Identification and Health Information”.    This was begun in 2002.  Coincidently, The Department of Homeland Security also began a program in 2004 to determine whether the use of RFID technology could be beneficial about this same time.  According to the popular Internet myth-debunking site,, the implant device requirement is false, but they didn’t take the time to properly vet their information. refers to a portion of the “Health Care and Education Affordability Reconciliation Act of 2010”, HB that was stricken from the version that finally passed…however, the portion about the full implementation of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act was never removed and still stands. The Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act was reapproved with a few new amendments this Spring.

So .  .   . Was my comment about RFID chips just paranoia or caution if the Act says that full implementation of already an existing law must occur?