Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Just Backing Up What I Say . .. ...

Yesterday I posted this on facebook:

I was asked by a facebook friend to back up my claims... Well, here ya' go folks.  While I was compiling this, I ran into some even more curious information and threw some of it in as well.  Whether you feel as if this is "conspiracy theory" or not, there are a lot of simply understandable facts about the recent actions of the Our government, using Our Resources to prepare for what?  Aiding and abetting enemies, arming against the American people and wasting billions for someone else's benefit is:


Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

The United States supplied arms to the Muslim Brotherhood.  The Muslim Brotherhood is very clearly not an organization that most citizens of the United States want to be funding.  From their indiscriminate use of violence to further their political agenda in Egypt which includes dismantling the famed Camp  David Accords and establishing an orthodoxy styled regime.  But despite the stated goals of this organization, the US Government has continued to supply them with arms and aid.  Even after they ousted Morsi, their first selection for President.

The United States is supplying arms and training to the FSA.  I won't go into any detail on this one, the facts are all out there.  The Obama Administration and Congress seem to think that funding radical Islamist militias to help oust the Assad regime makes sense.  What happens when they do finally kick the current tyrant out... are they going to give all that stuff back?  Everyone knows they are going to turn those weapons against Israel, thus pulling Us further into the fray.

Obama ordered the assassination of at least 4 Americans, one of them a 17 year old CHILD.  Back to the whole treason issue... how could Obama justify assassinating a child because of what his father did... Corruption of Blood is not allowed by the US Constitution.  All US Citizens are owed the due process of law and if our supposed Constitutional Lawyer President

Obama placed Awlaki on a “kill or capture” list of people targeted for assassination in January 2010 after his administration asserted a right not even claimed by the Bush White House: to carry out the summary execution of any US citizen deemed by the president to be a “specially designated global terrorist,” without presenting any evidence or securing any judicial sanction.

In his letter to Congressional leaders, Mr. Holder confirmed that the administration had deliberately killed Anwar al-Awlaki, a Muslim cleric who died in a drone strike in September 2011 in Yemen. Mr. Holder also wrote that United States forces had killed three other Americans who “were not specifically targeted.”

"We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."  United States President Barack Obama, July 2, 2009

The DHS has stockpiled over a billions rounds of hollow point and armor piercing rounds, with orders for more still pending.  Although several “fact checking” websites have done a 1/2ass job of vetting/debunking this story to include the right-winged, the facts remain the same.  The Department of Homeland Security has offered out several bids in the last several years for bulk purchases of various ammunitions that total into the billions.  Without full auditing by the GAO or someone like that, it would be impossible to determine how much of these orders were actually fulfilled.  But relying on the word of the Department of Homeland Security isn’t good enough either, especially when they make several claims of having required DHS Personnel (Excluding the US Coast Guard) using about 3000 rounds per year in training.  I invite readers to call any law enforcement agency and ask someone how many rounds they sent down range last year.

The DHS has acquired several thousand APCs, some weaponized, for domestic use.  The Investor’s Business Daily quoted Robert Whitaker, a DHS officer stationed in El Paso, Texas, proudly describing these mobile marauding marvels as: “Mine-resistant…we use to deliver our teams to high-risk warrant services…[with] gun ports so we can actually shoot from within the vehicle; you may think it’s pretty loud but actually it’s not too bad…we have gun ports there in the back and two on the sides as well. They are designed for .50-caliber weapons.”

Of course the popular sites like Snopes and Politifact were quick to debunk this as “paranoia from the right”.  Through their single layer investigative prowess, they posted that these items were not ordered for DHS, but for the USMC.  Yes… that is true, but only a portion of the #truth.  The MRAP Vehicles were transferred from the DoD to the DHS through a commonly used retrofitting program that allows civilian agencies to purchase excess from military.   However, after reading through quite a few pages about these things, I have seen quite a few people describing these as something different from the MRAPs used in Afghanistan and Iraq. 
So, the fact remains, the DHS is acquiring weapons of war for use in America.  Why… are they preparing for mass civil unrest?  If so, let’s look at this practically; IF the US Population has to be quelled to this extreme because of “mass protest or uprising” then that means OUR government of We The People has failed US and must be replaced.

The DHS relies on the SPLC to develop guidelines on how to watch "domestic threats".  This is an easy one to prove...if you don't like the inforwar links because you think they are "right-winged", then just skip to the last one.  The CEO of SPLC now sits on the DHS “Working Group on Countering Violent Extremism” along with the leaders of other So-called Non Government Organizations.  The SPLC labels almost everyone that isn't a sheeple as "domestic threats. Read the list...