Thursday, October 10, 2013

Politicians & Strippers . .. ...

The only thing I can say for certain about the ACA... it's a disaster. Nothing specific about's overall a badly thought out over encompassing catastrophic mess that has helped to feed into the media driven, corporately promoted for their own benefit quagmire of corrupted crap!

The Affordable Care Act has fed into the division of We The People and allowed the government to impose rules that allow almost absolute control over many important aspects of Our lives. is the  "law" of the land, but it can be repealed.  The first step to doing so is to #Defund DC by impeaching EVERY elected representative in Washington DC.  We The People must replace them with people sworn to the Oath and the Service of We The People.

Currently there is a organization attempting to gain some strength back for Us..the Citizens of the United States of America.  The organization is called Represent.Us and they are banding together Citizen Co-Sponsors of The American Anti-Corruption Act.  Folks...I suggest you read it through and share it along.  It's definitely worth the time.  If I wasn't so remote, I'd devote some time to promoting it.

So... you all know I like a bit of levity with my politics, So check out this video from Represent.Us: