Saturday, January 9, 2016

Just another random idea...

I know that 'illegal' immigrant issues aren't as prevalent here in Alaska... but there is a huge influx of 'outside' workers that come into Alaska for the Summer to work the Fishing & Tourism sectors.  Why shouldn't the State of Alaska adopt employment guidelines that encourage Alaska resident workforce development and employment?  The SoA could also implement a income tax upon non-resident workers at a higher level... this would create revenue and encourage AK resident hire.  

Here's something that Indiana is doing to strengthen current law on hiring illegals... 

A new bill introduced in the Indiana General Assembly on Thursday could finally mark the beginning of responsible, citizen-first labor policies in the United States. While the federal government consistently chooses to defy the will and the interests of the people, state governments in many ways still maintain the ability to act on our behalf, if they choose to do so.

The legislation, Senate Bill 285, would be among the strictest in the nation, allowing judges to strip employers of their business licenses upon a third violation of knowingly hiring an illegal alien, already a violation of federal immigration law.

The bill was introduced by State Senator Mike Delph, a Republican representing Carmel, in order to “take away the jobs magnet and remove the financial incentive of unscrupulous business people who profit off of illegal immigration.”

Above Image Via: Outspoken Patriots ->