Let’s say that because the members of an organization
participated in an action that was deemed a certain way by the Federal
government and thus also labeling the associated organization, would all
members of said organization also be labeled and possibly prosecuted for
“providing material and or/financial support” to said cause?
The US Federal Government
bases it’s domestic policies regarding race and equality and “anti-government
activism” in-part on the consultations of The Southern Poverty Law Center. If You are not familiar with them, I suggest
that You check them out -> ( https://www.splcenter.org/ ). More specifically, check out the Alaska groups
they listed in their 2013 report.
“The Intelligence Project identified
1,360 anti-government “Patriot” groups that were active in 2012.
Intelligence Project identified 1,360 anti-government “Patriot” groups that
were active in 2012.
Patriot groups define themselves as opposed to the “New World Order,” engage in
groundless conspiracy theorizing, or advocate or adhere to extreme
antigovernment doctrines. Listing here does not imply that the groups
themselves advocate or engage in violence or other criminal activities, or are
list was compiled from field reports, Patriot publications, the Internet, law
enforcement sources and news reports.”
Alaska Citizens Militia*
Alaska Peacemakers Militia*
Anchorage Municipality Defense Force*
Central Alaska Militia*
Central Kenai Peninsula Militia*
Constitution Party (Alaska Independence
Get Out Of Our House (GOOOH)
John Birch Society
North Slope Militia*
Oath Keepers
Republic for the united States of
America — Alaska Republic
Republic for the united States of
America — Republic Congress
South Central Alaska Militia*
Spartan Marine Corps of Alaska*
We the People
REPORT LINK HERE-> 9 https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/intelligence-report/2013/active-%E2%80%98patriot%E2%80%99-groups-united-states-2012
In looking into the SPLC and their
relationship with the US Government, it’s not hard to see that a certain
population of the United States is soon going to become the target of increased
scrutiny and action in the name of public safety and equality advancement. Now that Attorney General Lynch has
expressed the DoJ’s support of and cooperation in the Global law enforcement
program known as the Strong Cities Network that will utilize international
teams to operate anywhere to enforce UN Policies on everything from Human
Rights to Gun Control. Seriously, this
is not tinfoil hat material at all, it’s underway as You read this. President Obama has already made Gun Control
and Climate Control is top priorities for his last year in office.
SPLC + FBI -> https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/partnerships_and_outreach/community_outreach/outreach_contacts
SPLC + DHS -> http://dailycaller.com/2015/02/20/obamas-dhs-report-warns-of-the-real-threat-to-america-right-wingers/
SPLC + Obama + News -> https://news.google.com/news/story?cf=all&hl=en&pz=1&ned=us&q=splc+obama&cf=all&ncl=dhhCwsHtjTVAAEM4iwVh0ruixY20M&scoring=n
SPLC President’s testimony to Congress
on Right-Wing Extremism -> https://www.splcenter.org/news/2015/07/15/splc-president-tells-house-committee-homeland-security-ensure-government-keeps-attention
SPLC + Strong Cities Network -> https://americanpolicy.org/2015/11/17/strong-cities-network-dhs-and-the-splc/
The Institute for Strategic Dialogue +
Strong Cities Network ->
in September as part of the Leaders' Summit in New York with the UN High Commissioner
on Human Rights and the US Attorney General, the SCN is the first global
network of municipal-level leaders involved in building community resilience
and social cohesion to counter violent extremism.
the importance of local authorities, the network aims to strengthen strategic
planning and practices among local government representatives and build the
capacity of local practitioners to prevent the spread of violent
Steering Committee consists of 25 mayors and goverors from across the globe,
including New York, Minneapolis, Denver and Atlanta in the US. The SCN is
currently funded by the State Department.”
Now… Folks here’s what’s happening and
how it’s going to happen all spelled out in the words and actions of the
government and biased advisory groups that are steering Our resources to be
used to support policies and agendas aimed at mass assimilation to
un-Constitutional ideals or face prosecution by Our Government. So, should I wrap my head in tinfoil or
what? It’s time to Wake Up America!