Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Dear Government...

Tuesday February 9, 2015 Scroll N’ Troll…aka…Rant of the Day!

Oh Boy, the email and Internet were full of all sorts of “goodies” today.  While I was glancing through the Alaska State Legislature’s Website, I happened to scroll through a legislator’s profile and noticed the uniqueness of their occupation amongst their peers.  I had never realized that “Legislator” was a vocation. 

But let’s get back to that in a few moments… So I was clicking through some demographics for Western Alaska for use to present to a campaign and low and behold I learn that where I live is per capita in the Top 10 lists nationally for a few things that maybe We shouldn’t be.  Where We live is supposedly one of the most simple and subsistence based areas of the Nation, but We lead in “welfare” rates?  A multi-billion dollar fishery and ANCSA Corp for a population smaller than some counties or boroughs elsewhere and how the heck does this happen?

Trillions of US dollars flowing overseas and into the pockets of defense contractors for perpetual warfare and economic development elsewhere while American’s still have “honey buckets” and there are thousands of homeless Veterans.  This is what America became, the anti-thesis of what the “Founding Fathers” envisioned and tried so desperately and deathly to establish.  My neighbor and I can’t legally agree to build a mutually beneficial fence on Our properties without permission from the government.  But islamists in Syria (and all across North Africa) can trade machine guns and rocket launchers at our expense so they can shoot back at Us?  Something’s Wrong Here Folks…