Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Donuts in the Alaska Budget?

This morning Alaska House District 37 Representative Bryce Edgmon was on KDLG’s Legislative Call-In Show & the topic du jour was #AllAboutTheBudget.  Rep. Edgmon, a Democrat who caucuses with the House Majority (Republican) serves on the Finance Committee, Chairs the Corrections and Public Safety sub-Committees and serves on the Health & Social Services sub-Committee.  Please see our Bryce Edgmon profile links at the bottom of this article.

Last week He was presented with a copy of the United For Liberty FY2017 Budget Proposals.  This collection of collaborative proposals/suggestions is a plan that aims at cutting unnecessary growth in the State of Alaska’s budgets.  These are cuts that have to be made now…Not Later.

During the show, Edgmon said several interesting things in response to caller’s questions on the budget issues.  He plainly stated that Alaska will see an “inevitable use of the PFD.” and that “We can’t cut our way to a sustainable budget.”.  In response to being asked about the UFL Proposals, Representative Edgmon quite frankly said that the information he had reviewed was “not factual”.


Start @ the 20:00 minute mark for comments about the UFL proposals.  But let’s look at the particular section of the UFL Proposal that Rep. Edgmon chose to challenge, Corrections.  Bryce says two things here: the information provided by UFL is “not factual” and that these cuts would “cripple the department”.  I beg to differ Sir and want to reiterate these facts…
”The number of inmates, from 20062016, increased by 11%. During the same period the number of DOC employees increased, disproportionally, by 36%. DOC’s budget also increased by 50%.”


Even before the show was over, I was trying to get in touch with the man that put this section of the UFL proposals together, Steve St. Clair. By The Way, Steve is a retired Military Police First Sergeant and has controlled detention facilities in multiple States and in Afghanistan and is very familiar with Corrections.  He is also a very active Citizen and closely watches the Alaska Politics & Budget issues … You know, having a Master’s Degree in Business sort of makes people do things like that.   So, that’s Why I put some weight into what the UFL proposals are.

 While waiting to hear from him, I pulled up my own copy of the Proposals and immediately began chasing down what Bryce had said about the numbers, which came from several government agencies including the Department of Corrections, the Governor’s Office and the State legislature. 

Anyways… Here’s what Steve has to say about this and we’ll include references below.

“I did listen to the radio segment with Rep Edgmon and he discounts all except one of the suggestions that were put forward. He addressed nothing about the free health care that inmates are provided and the free education. I am willing to sit down with any legislator and give my rationale for cuts.”


Alaska Dept. of Corrections - Administrative Review
November 13, 2015
Dean Williams and Joe Hanlon

US Department of Justice - Prisoners in 2014
September 2015
E. Ann Carson, Ph.D., BJS Statistician

National Institute of Corrections - Alaska Statistics
November 1, 2015

Performance Review of the Alaska Department of Corrections
State of Alaska Division of Legislative Audit
December 2014

Alaska Justice Forum - UAA
U.S. and Alaska Incarceration Rates: Prisoners in 2005

2015 Recidivism Reduction Plan: Cost-Effective Solutions to Slow Prison Population Growth and Reduce Recidivism
Prepared by: Carmen Gutierrez
February 2015

Donor Mark Pfeffer is the developer accused of collaborating with Mike Hawker in the ANC Office Lease fiasco… Read Moreà https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=Mark+E.+Pfeffer+alaska&safe=off&tbm=nws