Thursday, April 14, 2016

My AK HB245 Testimony...

April 14, 2016
To: Alaska House Finance Committee,,,,,,,,,,,,

Re: Senate Finance Testimony & Submission regarding HB245

Thank You for taking the public’s opinion on these two bills that will fundamentally change how the State of Alaska conducts it’s business and approached it’s fiduciary responsibility to Alaskans.  Currently the State must make some changes to how it does things and must while doing look into the core issue that has gotten Us to this point.  For the last decade or so, the operations of government have grown above inflation rates while services haven’t increased to that amount.  This must be fixed.

All across Alaska, people are wondering how they will make it through the coming fiscal fall that our once robust economy is facing.  Households will have to tighten their belts and constrain their spending within their means.  Extras and some perceived necessities are going to be cut from the budgets of Alaskans…that’s just the way things work.  This is also how Our government should function…living within Our means through concerted efforts to develop truly sustainable budgeting practices.

For the several years, I have involved myself heavily in the processes of participating in government through submitting comments and op-eds to various legislators and specific committees such as this one.  I have also been involved in several public awareness campaigns from the Repeal SB21 Vote, to helping develop and promote the United For Liberty FY2017 Budget Proposals to the current #ProtectThePFD effort.  The legislature asked Alaskans for their input and assistance in addressing the fiscal issues that We face together and We’ve stepped up.  However, it’s hard to feel as if the Legislature is doing the same.

Currently the polls We have been conducting show an overwhelming support for Protecting the current Permanent Fund structure and payout formulas.  You can see the poll on Our website,  The current results are:

Please accept the attached PDF as a part of my testimony submission for your committee’s consideration:

Jon Corbett
Dillingham, Alaska

Submission Via E-mail to Committee & Members

Link to PDF: