Today all across America millions of people are gathering
with one another to celebrate ‘Memorial Day’.
They are eagerly heading off towards their local beaches or favorite
picnic spots to grill hot dogs and have a brew or three. Many are enjoying the company of friends and
family while celebrating a holiday that allows them to temporarily escape their
jobs and normal lives. Most of them
don’t even understand or even know what Memorial Day is all about.
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FACTS Magazine, June 1946 |
Today all across America untold amount of American Veterans
are without jobs and homeless after serving their nation in a fraudulent War
for resource profits. Many of these
veterans suffer from medical and psychological traumas brought about while
serving in the military and the systems supposedly set up to take care of them is
a failure and even likened by it’s own leader as ‘waiting in line at Disney
World.’ But guess what folks… this is
nothing new. This was also the situation
70 years ago in America following the end of the “War to end all Wars”. The US Government has long maltreated
veterans while profiteers flourish in the carnage.
Recently I picked up at a book sale a near pristine copy of
the June 1946 edition of Facts Magazine.
Sgt. Edgar F. Byrns wrote the lead article in that issue that started
like this:
‘From every section of the United States comes an angry cry:
“Where are our jobs?” – “We can’t find a place to live!” – “We can’t even buy a
white shirt.” – “We’re at the mercy of black marketers!” – What can American do
about returning veterans who declare:
“You Have Sold Us Down The River!”
So as you gather around today... Please remember that many, many Americans before You made the ultimate sacrifices of life and limb to serve this nation. Even though the reasons for War may be clouded and even corrupted, the fact that men and women have served selflessly to protect your rights and ways of life is not. The best way to Honor Memorial Day is to stand up for the rights of those that have stood down the enemies of America and defended her. We can do this by demanding that our government cease needless wars of aggression and take care of those men and women that have served Us.