Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Say What...Do What?!

Did He Really Say That¿

Yesterday, Republican Presidential Candidadate Donald Trump spoke at Trask Coliseum in my hometown of Wilmington, NC.  From the pictures and videos posted across the Internet, it appears that he packed the 5200 seat venue with plenty more people waiting outside.  The general air of the attendees was enthusiastic and definately fed into his egomania. But that's all irrelevant because of his comments...

While addressing the potential of having federal courts seated with Clinton appointtees, he said something along the lines of; "the way, and if she gets to pick – if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks," Trump warned. "Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don't know."  Instantly the media picked up on this and began interpreting it as a 'call to arms' for someone to assasinate his Democratic opponent and/or any judges she may appoint if elected.  I'm not so sure that was what the comment from the often flame mouthed candidate meant...

I went back and watched the video several times and have concluded that he meant that it's up to proponents of the Second Amendment to use their political power during the upcoming election to ensure that strong supporters of 'Gun Rights' are elected into Congress to block any judicial nominations made by Clinton.  If that's not what he meant... then maybe he should publically clarify his words.  This of course is not the first, second, third and most definately will not be the last time Mr. Trump has spouted off something that could be easily misconstrued.

Now... here's another interesting angle that I've seen and tend to support; Mr. Trump is actually playing the 'Fun Dummy' for the warmongering corporatists that have long controlled Our government.  He really doesn't care about being elected... no matter whom is elected to the White House, his life won't be altered.  He's being allowed to be the preposterous rowdy candidate in order to push the moderate middle over to the liberal voting side to ensure another 8 years of the same ole' same ole'.  And once again the American people are duped into supporting and succumbing to the corporate shill parties that do nothing but perpetuate global welfare and warfare with Our resources and Children...