Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Reminder for the elected representatives of We The People…

To: Lisa Murkowski, Don Young and Dan Sullivan

Reminder for the elected representatives of We The People…

When You take the Oath of Office to serve in the office for which You are elected by We The People, which is whom You swear an Oath to represent, We The People are the ones that are owed primary consideration.  Throughout the entire United States Constitution, the terms Republican, Democrat or any mention of political parties DO NOT appear. When You took your office you also took on the representation of ALL constituents.

“We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America”

Redirection Suggestions:
1.     A Joint Resolution to develop a defunding schedule by which the resources of We The People be redirected at promoting Our general welfare and Our prosperity.  It is not unreasonable to for We The People to expect that 30% of ALL foreign aid be suspended and redirected within 30 days and another 30% within the next 30 days.  These reductions should not be confused with the foreign operations of the Department of Defense.  These reductions should come from every branch of the Administration other than the Department of Defense. 
2.     A Joint Bill outlawing the funding and cooperation with all entities involved in the Syrian Conflict.  This should be self-explanatory.  If it isn’t then please refer back to Redirection Suggestion #1.
3.     A Joint Resolution supporting the full enforcement of ALL current immigration laws.  We have a robust system in-place already, it just needs support and follow through.  The physical control issue can easily be addressed by deploying National Guard units along the border for “Our Common Defense”.  Stopping the leak is the first way to save a sinking ship.

Please take this into consideration and We look forward to Your response. 

Jon Corbett

Electronic and Printed versions of this post are being forwarded to the addressees; Lisa Murkowski, Don Young and Dan Sullivan.
