This love of music, the stories of the music and musicians has long been with me. Heck at one point I really thought I wanted to be a 'Rock Star'. After taking Piano Lessons under the tutelage of a rather questionable character that had been recommended to my Dad whom has long been a patron of the arts, especially musical... I decided it was time for me to become the next greatest 6-string axe-slinger. Well, I can assure You the reader that this is not what history reveals. But I Still Love Music and Muzak.
Not long ago, I went to the local public radio station to request a copy of an audio segment concerning the Alaska State Legislature. While waiting for the file, Sam who is a friend of mine and is the GM of a our local Public Radio ( came out of his office and said,
"Hey You should do a show."
Thinking about the fact that the contributory spending that helps maintain vital public radio service in Rural Alaska is under scrutiny by the Alaska Legislature for cuts whiles costs rise... I knew that Sam had a point. KDLG is already operating on a shoestring budget and to help them fill airtime while lowering operating costs seemed to me to be a natural all-around combo of putting my action/dollar where my mouth is. I love music of plethoric variety and I am all for Volunteerism... I Agreed.
So here are the debut results named the #ManicMondayShow on 670am at 7pm April 17, 2017: