Saturday, March 31, 2018

To Speaker Edgmon Part 2 of 3


To: Representative Bryce Edgmon, Speaker of the House, District 37
Re. Questions About Your Presser Comments On 3/28/2018

PART 2/3…

You also alluded to previous votes on the PFD allocation in the Operating Budget... votes that You concurred with as a member of the previous house majority.  This leads to our next comment on your statement about the need for a ‘balanced approach’.  Mr. Speaker, a balanced approach must also include cutting revenue demand and not voting unconstitutionally to spend money that Alaska does not have.  We provided millions upon millions of dollars in cuts to the previous and present majority coalitions only to be ignored, demeaned and deleted.  Yes, Representative Edgmon, you are 100% correct in saying that you “don’t know what the voters want.” 
Did you know that over 5000 people have signed a petition asking that SJR1/HJR34 be put to the public for consideration, numerous polls conducted by legislators and citizen groups have been forwarded to the legislature and untold numbers of testimonies submitted that have encouraged budget cuts… all obviously to no avail.  One thing that’s become beyond obvious is that the Alaska State Legislature is operating in an unconstitutional manner by incurring debt upon our future income for perpetual wasteful expenditures.

            Constitutional Reminders:

Article IX - § 8. State Debt

No state debt shall be contracted unless authorized by law for capital improvements or unless authorized by law for housing loans for veterans, and ratified by a majority of the qualified voters of the State who vote on the question. The State may, as provided by law and without ratification, contract debt for the purpose of repelling invasion, suppressing insurrection, defending the State in war, meeting natural disasters, or redeeming indebtedness outstanding at the time this constitution becomes effective. 

§ 12. Budget

The governor shall submit to the legislature, at a time fixed by law, a budget for the next fiscal year setting forth all proposed expenditures and anticipated income of all departments, offices, and agencies of the State. The governor, at the same time, shall submit a general appropriation bill to authorize the proposed expenditures, and a bill or bills covering recommendations in the budget for new or additional revenues.

§ 13. Expenditures

No money shall be withdrawn from the treasury except in accordance with appropriations made by law. No obligation for the payment of money shall be incurred except as authorized by law. Unobligated appropriations outstanding at the end of the period of time specified by law shall be void.
How many of the deficit budgets over the last decade have you voted for?
How many credits to outside and foreign companies did you vote for that Alaska is now indebted to?

Jon Corbett, Dillingham Alaska


Part 1/3: