Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Constitutional Marriage… Does Not Exist

 One of the hot button topics in the American socio-political scene today is the issue of ‘gay’ marriage.  Personally, I find this almost hilarious… as I thought all marriages are supposed to be gay.  You know, Gay being another word for happy. But also, because ‘marriage’ is actually not any of the government’s business and it wasn’t until the Catholic Church and the Church of England decided that secular government needed to put regulations upon civil unions.


Where in the US Constitution is there any mention whatsoever of giving government permission to regulate personal relationships?  The actual establishment of government rules surrounding marriage stems directly from trying to control relationships between the lower economic classes of people so as to limit the possibility of those people becoming too prolific and eventually too much for the ruling class to control.  

 So here We have something that originated as a religious practice…. Taken over by the corporate churches and government to stop something they disagreed with because it posed a threat to their power structure.  Nowadays its existence is so heavily controlled by government that the people have basically lost its meaning.  Since there is no mention of marriage in the US Constitution and it is a religious practice… any and all laws regulating it are unconstitutional.  In fact, the act of having to ask the government for permission to marry is also unconstitutional. 

But let’s move on to the ‘hot’ portion of this topic… the ‘rights’ of non-heterosexuals to marry.  All persons have the right to ‘marry’.  No particular group of people can lay claim to ‘ownership’ of the practice of marriage.  Even though the idea of marriage is brought up numerous times in the Bible, most all religions also have practices relating to the civil union between people. Those religions also have things to say about homosexuality and sexual relations in general.  But since America was basically founded on the ideals of Christian liberty… let’s stick to how government control of this religious practice is just wrong and should be abolished.

In Genesis, God creates Eve for Adam and the ideas of basic marriage begin.  Even though Hebrew doesn’t really have a word for marriage, the idea of a civil union between Man and Woman is defined.  It wasn’t until the mid-1500s that Christian nations began to legally define marriage following the Council of Trent’s declaration that no marriage is legal or recognized unless it is done by the Catholic church and is solely between Catholics.  A century later, the Church of England got the United Kingdom to pass a law stating that only marriages approved by the Church were legal. Not long after that, communities in the ‘new world’ began enacting 
anti-miscegenation laws.  The first ‘marriage licenses’ in the ‘new world’ came about in 1639 in Massachusetts.  Once the government took it upon itself to regulate social circumstances, things have gone downhill.




The marriage between Luisa de Abrego, a free black domestic servant from Seville and Miguel Rodríguez, a white Segovian conquistador in 1565 in St. Augustine (Spanish Florida), is the first known and recorded Christian marriage anywhere in what is now the continental United States.