Monday, October 19, 2020

My Body... My Choice!

Happy Monday Folks... 

I had originally planned to post something today that I have been doing some reading and research on for sometime, but the actions of the Dillingham City Council have side tracked me.  I strongly suggest that you read this post and share it along with others.  


As people begin to look through the ‘Emergency’ measures being enacted and/or proposed by the City of Dillingham, several things have stood out.  One of those is the Council granting unilateral power to hired employees to restrict travel, gatherings and even commerce. Putting aside the declared ‘emergency’ issues that some people believe are either overstated or understated; granting the power to infringe upon Constitutional rights to anyone, much less a government employee is crossing a line that should never, ever be crossed.  Another no go area is allowing a hired employee of the people to determine when ‘unrelated’ or ‘prohibitory’ laws can be ignored and broken. Allowing administrative impunity to any law is one of those things that caused the formation of this nation to which all elected officials swear an oath to protect.  I recommend for further reading; people should check out the links below. But to make it easier for those elected officials are too busy to do their own homework on what they swore that oath to… let me remind you of a few key points.


Last week the City Council introduced their newest Emergency Order which is an expansion of the last version which some changes. I suggest that people read pages 3-5 which outlines the scope of power that the Council wants to give to a hired employee of We The People. What’s interesting is that since the beginning of this long dragging ‘emergency’ the council has continued to expand these powers despite a very vocal resistance.  This is what the Alaska Constitution says… 

“We the people of Alaska, grateful to God and to those who founded our nation and pioneered this great land, in order to secure and transmit to succeeding generations our heritage of political, civil, and religious liberty within the Union of States, do ordain and establish this constitution for the State of Alaska.”



Ҥ 2. Source of Government

All political power is inherent in the people. All government originates with the people, is founded upon their will only, and is instituted solely for the good of the people as a whole.”

But let’s get back to this ever expanding ‘emergency’ ordinance being considered for revision by the Dillingham City Council…


“Introduce Ordinance 2020-22; An Ordinance of the Dillingham City Council Authorizing the City Manager to Utilize the Emergency Operations Center to Promulgate and Enforce Regulations to Stop the Spread of COVID-19 in Accordance with the Recommendations in the City of Dillingham COVID-19 Mitigation Plan”


But perhaps the most interesting power that they want to grant is the authority to order a medical procedure… a physical violation of a person based upon an ambiguous definition of what ‘symptomatic’ may or may not be. 


“Order testing for individuals who are symptomatic or in other situations where testing may be appropriate to limit transmission of COVID-19;” 



That is absolutely across every single line that exists between We The People and Our Government. Anyone that votes to approve these and any further changes to the ‘Emergency’ ordinance should seriously rethink their involvement in the public process of representing the people. Ordering the violation of any person’s body so as to classify them because of a medical reason goes way beyond violating the meaning “My Body, My Choice!” 


The Constitution of the United States of America:


The Constitution of the State of Alaska: