Sunday, October 25, 2020

So DLG… What’s Next?

 Over the past two weeks a collaboration of We the People in Dillingham has begun an effort to get the Dillingham City Council to hold off on taking any further action on ‘Emergency’ Ordinance 2020-22.  I know of at least a dozen or so letters that have been submitted to the Mayor and members of the council asking that the Ordinance be ‘tabled’ and a public forum styled meeting be held by the Council so that the citizens may voice in-person their concerns for this ever-growing ‘Emergency’ ordinance.  I personally only received a reply from the Mayor that was minimal at best… but that seems to be status quo for those supposed elected representatives of We the People.


The next City Council meeting is when they are supposed to take action to either ratify the new ‘Emergency’ ordinance or not.  As of today, no announcement has been made about holding off and pretty soon it may become totally apparent that Our government is not listening to the people they are supposed to be representing. It disgusts me that I have to write something so presumptuous about the council, but I can only base my thoughts of the facts. Now… I may be off-base completely because I am not in-the-know on a lot of things anymore since being deleted by fbook.  Maybe the DLG Citizens for Freedom group has made some progress in getting the Council to actually do their job… probably not though.


I did however pen and publish a letter to the council asking for a delay in action and I shared that letter far and wide.  I also quickly designed a few ‘print your own’ signs and sent them to the group email address.  This afternoon I plan to print and laminate some signs (samples below) and hang them in a few places.  I’ll make a few extras and if anyone wants one… y’all can figure out how to get in touch with me.