Silence Is Consent and We as Patriots, Christians and Family Members should never remain silent about what has happened to America. This once great nation that was founded on the ideals of liberty and morality has over the past two centuries become a beast that consumes and destroys everything and everyone. In the Muslim world We are called The Great Satan… and guess what folks… They ain’t wrong.
As long as Christians continue to support the economic colonialism across the globe that is secured by tax dollars and the lives of Americans while Our own nation suffers from widespread generational welfare dependence, mass immorality and economic decline… this decline of America will only continue to gain speed. Just in today’s ‘News’ there are stories about the confirmation hearings for a nominee to the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS). This position is among the most powerful in the entire World. Whoever is seated on that bench will until their death be sworn to uphold the US Constitution in every single case that the court agrees to hear.
That last part about agreeing as to what cases to hear is as important as the decisions they issue on actual cases argued before them. The supremacy of SCOTUS only extends to issues that are within the purview of the US Constitution. Issues such as marriage and sexual preference rights are absolutely not Constitutional issues on the Federal level. The court should be fully engrossed in hearing cases and issuing rulings on things like stopping the perpetual warfare led by the republic and stopping American lives and resources from being sent overseas. Today’s federal government operates pretty much in the antithesis of the US Constitution.
“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”
The issues surrounding a lot of social issues are not within the scope of the duties that are granted to the US Government by We The People. This is something that is key and it seems as if a whole lot of people haven’t been taught that the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights and subsequent amendments were not written to define what Americans can or cannot do, but rather to limit the actions of the government. It even says this very clearly in the preamble to the ‘Bill of Rights’:
“THE Conventions of a number of the States, having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best ensure the beneficent ends of its institution.“
The rights as enshrined in the ‘Bill of Rights’ are not guidelines for the government to impose further legislation upon We The People, but are the definition of the limits placed upon the government’s authority. Absolutely no part of the US Constitution can be altered or ignored without going through the process as defined in itself. The Supreme Court has strayed from this basic premise and must get back to doing Our business as intended. The issues arising from the straying of the courts have caused great problems for We The People and have gutted the intent of the Founding Fathers.
In doing a little research into the current Supreme Court nominee… it’s pretty easy to see that she’s one of the most Constitutionally grounded nominees to come along in quite some time. This is absolutely what the Republic needs to help slow the death spiral that We find ourselves in today. It is disgusting to read comments by Senators that literally attack her for saying things like ‘sexual preference’ instead of doing their job of ensuring that she will apply the US Constitution as written to determine her opinion on cases.
Stay Strong Americans… I fear that We are witnessing the fall of Our nation at the hands of those people that have not only forgotten, but have willfully and with malice taken the path of subjugating Us to the intent of Evil. A large portion of the American people have totally abandoned God and are even acting in every manner to relinquish control of all things to Satan. Please pray for all believers to remain strong in God and that God’s will be done in all things for We know that We all have a glorious future through God.