#AmericanStatusUpdate 3-4-21
BTW Folks... I was granted access to my Twitter account again. So if your curious about my more regular rantings and miscellaneous thoughts on all manner of current events you can find my profile and newest #AmericanStatusUpdate with an Exclusive State of The Union video and commentary here:
So since being booted from almost all forms of social media and being the subject of the unconstitutional semi-public/confidential investigation by the City of Dillingham... I've been pretty busy refocusing on some more pertinent issues. I still stand 100% behind everything I have ever written, said or done regarding all interactions I have ever had with the City. That's about all I can relay on that matter as I am under advice of counsel to lay low until we figure out what they are doing.
I can however speak to an issue that is close to heart and soul... Protecting Bristol Bay. Several days ago the Biden Administration accepted an appeal to a mine permitting decision. The mining project in question is the Pebble Mine. On numerous occasions, We the People of Alaska have clearly stated that we do not want this mine developed on Our land. Opposition to this perpetual destruction was affirmed when the majority of Alaskan voters ratified the Bristol Bay Forever Initiative. Even the Trump Administration was vocal in their opposition to this massive mining disaster being pushed by a foreign corporation and corrupted politicians.
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Which brings me to ask... Why is Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy so blatantly disregarding the voices of Alaskans on the Pebble Mine issue?
Just a reminder to Governor Dunleavy: The Alaska Constitution is extremely clear about development and commonly owned resources. No resource shall be developed at the risk of another and that all development is for the best sustained use for the benefit of Alaska. Seriously... go have your LT. Governor and/or AG look it up. Better yet I will provide a couple of the relevant passages here:
Article VIII – Natural Resources
Fish, forests, wildlife, grasslands, and all other replenishable resources belonging to the State shall be utilized, developed, and maintained on the sustained yield principle, subject to preferences among beneficial uses.