Monday, March 15, 2021

Permanent Emergency

Personally, I do not believe that the City Council is even considering letting the Permanent Emergency Ordinance sunset.  Just the way the extension was written and introduced as a done deal seems to be evidence enough.

“Introduced: March 4, Public Hearing: April 1, 2021 Adopted:, 2021

Section 1. Classification. This is a non-code ordinance.
Section 2. Declaration of Emergency. The council declares that the coronavirus

threat and impact remain a public health emergency.

Section 3. Authority. This ordinance is enacted pursuant to the general police powers of the City of Dillingham, and the City’s authority to regulate use of public facilities such as streets and highways and the Dillingham Port.

Section 4. Effective Date. This ordinance extends Ordinance No. 2020-22(S) in its entirety, to September 3, 2021 at 11:59 p.m. unless adjusted by action of the City Council.

PASSED and ADOPTED by the Dillingham City Council on April 1, 2021.”


That’s a straight copy and paste from the minutes of the March City Council Meeting.  Here’s the link for entire minutes…. The extension of 2020-22 is on pages 65-67.

Oh, and by the way…

When did the voters of Dillingham ever approve the current taxation system as required by law?