Saturday, April 17, 2021

As In The Days Of...

“Get out of our way,” they replied. “This fellow came here as a foreigner, and now he wants to play the judge! We’ll treat you worse than them.” Genesis 19:9

I recommend reading all of Genesis Chapters 18 & 19 for the context. 

Pray for God’s Will to be done and ask that he protect His faithful and the innocents as the darkness is spreading throughout society. But take joy in knowing that God foretold this and will take his church to be safe while judgement is brought forth. Those that choose to ignore truth so that they may feel good about sin and abominations are also to be prayed for. Pray that they become actually Woke to God and will repent to receive redemption and salvation. 

The left constantly over and over again ad nauseam that people have the right to kill babies because it’s the mother’s choice because it’s her body... they even think that the government should be funding the extended forever study in eugenics too.  But the newest maniacal mantra they are pushing is that people must get vaccinated to live a ‘new normal’ life... they want to use government to coerce other Americans to take part in a medical procedure. 

But let’s talk about those folks that are encouraging gov’t to shred the Constitution... the mainly Caucasian progressive movement. 

Read this tweet thread carefully and click through to see who some of the voices are behind this BLM/ANTIFA fiasco:

The privileged hypocritical ignorance just oozes out and smell’s like shit. While proclaiming to be anti-racist while in the same breath or flickering of thumbs say that a specific genetic grouping of people are to be blamed for whatever problem they are whining about on any given day... whew I almost got confused just typing that. This is what society has boiled into here in America. 

There’s even a cabal of leftist politicos in the Minneapolis area actually telling these violent mobs who to go after and where to go. They totally avoid Little Mogadishu by the way... Ilhan can’t protect those antifa thugs from el-asa-allahm.  What a damn mess! 

“You son of the devil, you enemy of all righteousness, full of all deceit and villainy, will you not stop making crooked the straight paths of the Lord?” Acts 13:10


While these social justice calamities are attacking people and police, looting and burning in Portland, Minneapolis and DC... they dare not go into ChiRaq¿ More on that next time... 

Cover Image:

Sodom and Gomorrah from the Nuremberg Chronicle by Hartmann Schedel, 1493. Lot's wife, already transformed into a salt pillar, is in the center.