Friday, April 16, 2021



For my entire life I have been taught that at some point the earthly will forsake God and a reckoning will come upon the Earth. One half of boanerges was revealed to by God about the ‘End Times’ of the failed earthly kingdom. In Revelations, John foretells of immorality becoming societies benchmark and the public persecution of truth and God. He also speaks of the people being required to swear allegiance to a ‘beast’ and take a mark that would be required for conducting everyday life.  

I wrote about this in 2013 after I had to do some research to successfully back up something I had said on fbook.  Here’s a link to that blog post:

This post however is about Luciferase. This ominous sounding name is in reference to what the function is... which is to illuminate under certain man made conditions to mark the presence of certain antibodies. I’m not gonna’ spell it again so included is a graphic summary. I’m also throwing in a few links to help others do some learning and thinking about what’s happening...

Invisible Ink Could Reveal whether Kids Have Been Vaccinated - Scientific American

Storing medical information below the skin’s surface | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Vaccine Development and Surveillance - Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation