Monday, May 3, 2021

Ramp It Up¿

Ramp It Up...

When I use this phrase, it doesn’t necessarily mean to hit the streets on the spot. Nothing ever get’s ramped up without the actual ramp. In this instance I am referring to building a solid base for that ramp.  Until this is done, nothing is getting ramped or amped. 

Herein lies the problem... No one is willing to step up and actually become part of that aforementioned solid base. This can be for all manner of reasons... but we can all come up with excuses not to do anything. If something is truly of concern, then the time should be found to cooperate and participate in making something actually happen. Memes & trolling are for entertainment and information exploitation, not actually making things happen. 

And herein lies another problematic facet of the socio-political situation in the United States... the current air about issues is toxic. Most of the noxious behaviors are aimed at totally silencing any dissent from the pseudo-Wokeness that is permeating our nation. The supposedly Woke crowd have made it their mission to absolutely destroy anyone that doesn’t bow to their evil.  

This makes even slowing down the gradual incursions upon Liberty being forced upon Us even more difficult than ever before. Under their own twisted logic of wanting to be accepted for whatever perversions they adore... they are working diligently to silence others’ opinions and even take actions to cause harm. In acting this way and publicly persecuting others, they are in fact hypocritically promoting hatred. 

This is disappointing when one looks at how far our nation has fallen under the guise of false liberty. Nowadays all it takes is a couple of rainbow stealing loudmouths to turn a community against others. Under the guise of ‘being nice’ to allow for accepting abominable behaviors and weak mindedness, American has become a cesspool of sin and secularism.

By continuing to ‘play nice’ and avoid confrontation... Christians have allowed our society to falter irreparably.  The sit and wait attitude has allowed Satan to further entrench those people that work to subvert God and disavow decency.  God is clear about allowing Evil notions to pervade and become the focus of living. No where in the Gospel will We find where it says that being cowardly in the face of Evil is acceptable. 

Silence is Consent...

Do You Consent?