Friday, August 20, 2021

Green With…

How to turn America Green…

In the leftist’s plot to turn the world’s economy away from carbon fuels and products the need for increased production of a wide variety of mined raw materials is going to increase like never before. I won’t bore the readers with too much detail about how much raw material is needed to produce Alternative Energy Systems, Batteries and End User appliances, but I will say that the demand for those raw materials is going to be astronomical.  We have the technology and brainpower to make this happen, but the biggest question still looms large over the ‘protect the earth’ mantra that drives a large faction of the ‘Green’ idealism; just where are We supposed to acquire these raw materials from? 

Currently the worlds largest deposits of copper, lithium and rare earth elements to make magnets and transistors are located in Africa, Southwest Asia and the Arctic. It only takes a minuscule amount of research to learn that the ‘reserves’ in Africa are pretty much controlled by China nowadays and that’s soon to be the case in Southwest Asia.  With the weak foreign policy direction taken by the current and past several POTUS’s… this leaves Us even more dependent upon goods from China and possibly even Russia. 

The quagmire of talking points to argue against that dependence upon not so friendly nations is far to twisted to discuss in a simple blog post. I raised this issue with a few ranking anti-everything folks quite sometime ago and was plainly told that American foreign policy had nothing to do with protection for pristine lands in America.  All I could do was shake my head… because their response was as ignorant as possible.  

Not long ago I posted a video taken by a friend of mine… and in that video it showed the area where the massive mineral deposits in Afghanistan are. The rolling hills and marshes sure are reminiscent of a few areas here in the the American Arctic that also are home to massive mineral deposits.  But I guess the old thought that destroying someone else’s backyard is preferable applies.  The ‘Greenies’ want all this new tech and alternative energy but want someone else to produce what’s necessary thus becoming dependent upon foreign resources and products instead of producing the materials and goods ourselves. 

At this point I am reminded of a post From March of this year… the sarcasm of the post may have been tasteless, but the truth is as strong now as it ever was or will be.  Here in Bristol Bay the issue of mineral resource extraction is still a looming issue.  The former POTUS (45) was a staunch ally in keeping our region pristine.  He saw the value of our fish basket economy and spoke out while directing federal agencies to block the development of natural resources that could harm the fisheries. 

As a side note… a whole lot of personal and political clout was expended to have 45 come out against the development of the Pebble Project. Pebble is actually a ‘small fish’ when one considers the vast amount of resources already determined to exist in the region.  The entire caldera holds vast amounts of everything from coal to gold and is capable of providing a huge boost to the ‘New Green Deal’.  How to secure the necessary resources for evolving our infrastructure is the question now… either we carpet bomb Afghanistan and Pakistan to steal their minerals or we allow those needed resources to be harvested domestically.  The question really is that simple folks…

But just a few months later POTUS 46 allowed the federal government to accept a foreign corporate interest to appeal the Trump decision to invoke the CWA provision to block industrial development of mineral resources in Bristol Bay.  

Now that the US has ceded control of Afghanistan, the dependence upon domestic resources has increased exponentially.  With the lofty goals set by the Biden Administration to turn America ‘green’ while also limiting our access to the mineral resources to accomplish this; POTUS 46 is driving the agenda to not only destroy America’s culture, but also Our lands and potentially our foods. Heck… about 2/3ds of the domestic poultry supply and almost 1/2 of the corn/grain supply is owned by foreign interests. That’s one reason I as a small business owner am having to raise prices on one of our better selling menu items; Wingz. 

What this really boils down to is whether or not We the People truly want to have an economy based upon the ideals of #AmericaFirst or dependence upon Our socio-economic enemies… 

Happy Friday Folks!