Tuesday, September 21, 2021

چین په افغانستان کې بریالی شو


Who Won In AFG

The People’s Republic of China… that’s who.  In reading up on the issues surrounding Alaska’s Natural Gas development… namely the deal brokered by former Governor Bill Walker, I found an very interesting article about ‘Biden’s Plan’ to turn America more ‘green’.  That plan which I’ll link below involves selling massive amounts of LNG to China in exchange for favorable trade status for China’s green energy products.  So the money will swish back and forth…

But here’s the catch… now that China is rapidly RE-establishing relations with the Taliban to gain access to both minerals and gas, they aren’t going to need as much gas from Us and they gain pretty much unfettered access to a massive mineral trove.  That means a glut which causes lower prices and less income thus less production which means a hit on the economy. 

That slushing of global money is going to slow way down… and the cost of the ‘Green Dream’ is going to rise and rise and rise.  America has become socio-economically dependent upon China… even indebted to them.  

The United State essentially financed China’s dominance in Southwest Asia with monies and blood.  That’s all in top of the Obama Administration allowing PRC surrogates access to the top levels of the American sciences institutes.  Why did China even have a Virus that the American government invented? 
Some links: https://thehill.com/opinion/energy-environment/572932-china-seeks-to-extend-critical-minerals-monopoly-with-help-of?amp
And even two years ago the Taliban was parlaying with China: https://www.voanews.com/amp/south-central-asia_taliban-leaders-visit-china-discuss-dead-us-talks/6176251.html
Oh and now China’s access to US built military infrastructure… https://www.oann.com/china-seeks-to-control-u-s-airbase-in-afghanistan/