Monday, September 13, 2021


Wahhabism & Zionism vs The World…in the blood and sweat of Americans. 

Even before 9/11/01 I was a strong advocate of lessening the grip that both Saudi Arabia and Israel have on Our nation.  This nearly century long focus of our economic and foreign policy by Our government has not benefited Us at all.  In fact it has harmed Us in ways that most Americans don’t even know about. 

I’m not going to really get into any details here quite simply because it’s all common knowledge or can be readily found if one were concerned about the fact that the US has been propping up Israel and Saudi Arabia through all manner of aid packages and mutual defense treaties to the tune of untold billions and possibly trillions of American taxpayer dollars.  The previous POTUS even said he would expose the Saudi dirty work that helped begin the Wahib crusade against orthodox Islam… but he went over there and bowed to them instead and gave them even more aid and arms. Now we have an administration so inept that they’ve totally ceded control of most of the World’s new green commerce idealism to the Chinese while allowing an Islamic Theocracy to take control in Afghanistan.  

That new government in Afghanistan is not even interested in complying with the US, NATO or the UN and they really do not have to either.  I predicted years ago that once the Allied mission winds down there will be an immediate resurgence in radix Islam.  Now they control a mineral resource area that is capable of feeding the PRC economic warfare industry quite a bit of the materials needed to make America even more dependent upon Beijing’s surrogacy of global development industry. Don’t forget that Biden has been in DC for 1/2 a century and was VP when China invaded Africa. Oh and the White House’s close ties to the Eastern European fuel industry.  

Essentially all we’ve accomplished is perpetual submission to foreign interests and the current administration seems woke-bent to accelerate Our National decline.  The 2022 mid-term elections are our last best chance to impact Congress and counter the treasonous path that Biden and his simps have redirected our nation upon.  The statists will revel in the failing of Our republic and the successes of Satan.  If We the People do not stop this now… America is done. 

I now on a daily basis wonder if I’m going to wake up to the need for writing a eulogy for Our nation that has become the exact antithesis of the ideals set forth by the Founding Fathers. The republic of several states principal has be desecrated to the point of some manner of federal control over virtually every aspect of Our personal and professional lives while they also coerce Us to pay for it all. That folks is absolutely not the definition of liberty and justice and freedom for All. It’s treason… that’s what it is plain and simple. 

#AmericanEulogy or #AmericasLastRites 

PS… I was working on a piece about the cultural degradation of the me mentality that has pervaded our Nation and even the world.  It ain’t nice and pretty either. 

Happy Monday Folks!