"That is a concern, but we have additional tools that we didn't before, including a Justice Department that may be willing to pursue criminal contempt when people deliberately flout the compulsory process," Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., told reporters Thursday about the possibility of Trump aides defying congressional investigators.
Rep. Schiff being one of the ones that adamantly opposed any investigation into HRC’s activities while servings as Sec’y of State. Namely the clandestine gunrunning ops in Libya & Syria and also the Clinton Foundation’s massive blackhole funding via foreign entities and nations…
But he thinks that the Trump inside team was in the know about whatever that circus flustercuck was that happened in DC?
How come he’s never called out The Crew’s Granny Maxine on her calls for violence in the streets and setup a select closed door secret committee investigation of that?
How come he never called for an investigation into why and how former USAG Holder made a deal with one Mexican Cartel to help take out another cartel and ship US Gov’t seized guns into Mexico and eventually the Middle East? Oh and how about how Chicago somehow became the US Hub for the Sinaloa Cartel as the result of the aforementioned US DoJ operation that became a turf war that has resulted in hundred’s of civilian and participant deaths in the past decade.
How come Representative Schiff or any of the other hundreds of them have never called out the White House on the extrajudicial without due process executions of American Citizens using Department of Defense and/or private contractors?