Friday, October 29, 2021

What The XxX‽

The education system in the United States has become rotten with all manner of whacked stuff… first there was the whole ‘Common Core’ manifesto that promoted changing how even simple math is done and now there’s Wokeism and Inclusion.  But in some places it’s even worse.

Like Hazard Kentucky…

The High School Principal and Town Mayor approved and participated in a burlesque show featuring teen boys dressed in women’s lingerie. These boys also had public sexual interactions with adult staff members in the form of groping and lap dances. This was all done right in the school.  Despite the point that the Hazard Schools has since the activities were revealed, disavowed them… it makes one wonder why the Principal/Mayor though he could get away with this. I’m willing to bet a dollar to a dime at it wasn’t the first time. 

Hazard Schools Contact Info:

Contact Us - Hazard Independent Schools

But then there’s this little nasty gem of a news article from Florida:

A School Board member chaperoned an elementary class on a field trip to a notorious gay bar… WHAT! School board member under fire for class trip to gay bar <—Link

The New Schools…

“District spending on SEL programming grew about 45 percent between the 2019-20 and 2020-21 academic years, from $530 million to $765 million. That increase coincided with a dramatic shift among teachers’ and school and district administrators’ priorities away from academic achievement and testing and toward students’ mental health, the report says.”

There’s a few other goodies in this report funded by Bill Gates & CASEL that clearly show that the elites aren’t wanting the schools to be schools at all… but rather indoctrination centers bent in keeping We the people subservient to the corporate class.  Don’t skip over the whole multi-billion monetizing of public education either… starts on Page 41.  

And then there’s the whole targeting of specific ethnic groups part farther into the report. 

Full Report:

Education Weekly Article on CASEL:

Pandemic, Racial Justice Fuel Surge in Demand for Social-Emotional Learning

The ‘public’ schools have quite literally become profit and propaganda centers that as shown in the SEL curriculums are turning away from traditional core subjects to… to what? Parents & Taxpayers need to become more aware of what is being pushed in their schools… the schools do NOT belong to anyone but the parents and taxpayers. By allowing these private entities with money to control the schools… Our futures are in jeopardy.