It’s really just plain and simple and disgusting all at the same time. The US Government allowed Fauci to approve funding for research to graft the skin of aborted babies onto rats. Below are several excerpts & links if You want the details…
This isn’t medicine, this is Mengele.
Via Gellar Report:
“CMP also noted that the University’s experiments – which, in addition to scalping aborted babies, involved killing infants delivered alive for organ harvesting – were “funded by U.S. taxpayers via the National Institutes of Health, and in particular Dr. Anthony Fauci’s NIAID office.” Fact-Checking the Fact-Checkers: Yes, Dr. Anthony Fauci Funded Grafting Baby Scalps onto Mice
An article published in Scientific Reports went into graphic detail about the University’s fetal scalping project. According to the report, scientists scalped children aborted at 18 to 20 weeks gestation and transplanted their skin onto rodents…
“Development of humanized mouse and rat models with full-thickness human skin and autologous immune cells”
This is just one of a plethora of evil Our nation is perpetuating… We create the problems so We can create the fixes‽