"For you yourselves know full well that the day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night. While they are saying, 'Peace and safety!' then destruction will come upon them suddenly like labor pains upon a woman with child, and they will not escape."
Rona 4ever… Profits 4ever… Deserved?
Today #Fauci announced…
"The thing that's important is that [Omicron] appears to be able to evade some of the immune protection of things like monoclonal antibodies, convalescent plasma and the antibodies that are induced by vaccines. That's the sobering news,” Fauci told ABC anchor George Stephanopoulos on "This Week" over the weekend.”
The facts surrounding this issue no matter which facet of the political and/or religious facet of the planet you may fall on are suspect at best and right down evil at the worst. All of this should give any person reason to take pause when making their own personal healthcare choices. With that choice should absolutely come the respect for others that make a different choice when it comes to their own personal healthcare decisions. I personally do not care if you choose to think you are being inoculated against the US Government made bioweapon that was ‘accidentally’ released from a lab in China… but you also shouldn’t care if I choose to not be assaulted with a type of vaccination that is not yet proven safe and has a questionable development histogram and has already be shown to be less effective than originally claimed and has created significant adverse reactions.
This man made pestilence that has come upon the world and looks to be with Us forever is in my opinion something that We deserve… We have allowed the governments to become the great beast that controls literally every aspect of our lives. They take from Our own endeavors and spend those resources to make War against God’s Creation for the personal and secular comfort of an elitist class. Our labor is converted into weapons of War just like this virus 🦠 and we are made to suffer at our own hands. This is the beast that We the People allowed to come about…