Friday, January 28, 2022

Finally Friday?

It’s already Saturday 1/29/2022 In Yemen…

A huge portion of the American people live by the ole’ #TGIF mantra in seeking the ‘relief’ of the weekend respite from the daily toil of the work week.  From sporting events to social gatherings to binge drinking and/or eating… Americans love their weekends.  But many forget that all that work usually toiling and tooling away for the benefit of someone else does provide then means by which to celebrate their ‘freedom’

This morning during my Friday morning Scroll & Troll I ran across an essay written by one of America’s absolute experts on Constitutional issues. As a former Attorney, Judge and Professor this guy is one of the go to opinions when it comes to how the federal government is supposed to act under the U.S. Constitution.  Yesterday he published something titled “Our Constitution Is Now Dysfunctional”… (Link Posted Below)

About halfway through the essay, Napolitano brings up the Post 9/11 US policies targeting ‘terrorists’.  “Julian Assange sits in a British dungeon awaiting decisions on his extradition to the U.S. because he courageously, lawfully and constitutionally published documents and videos demonstrating conclusively that Bush's use of drones targeted and murdered Afghan and Iraqi civilians, and his administration covered it up.” But the next paragraph is where it get’s more interesting. Napolitano sort of mentions Obama’s dirty deeds… let me explain why this in particular caught my eye.  

I have been for quite sometime been championing raising awareness of the targeted extrajudicial assassinations of Americans and at least two of those murders were due to Corruption Of Blood.  Here’s the quick and dirty run down on what is #FactNotFiction: President Obama ordered two targeted separate attacks on American citizens that ended up with their deaths.  One of those persons was an outspoken Muslim Cleric…  that had not ever been charged with any crimes by the way and the other person was his 16/17 year old son that was killed while eating at a diner with his cousin who was also a child.  The attack on the son came 2 weeks after the attack that killed his father.    The Obama White House Press Secretary said this when questioned about the killing of the American child; “I would suggest that you should have a far more responsible father if they are truly concerned about the well-being of their children.”  For some reason the Obama loving press let it go… 

(( Pause… This is probably the hundredth or more time that I have narrated these events and it pisses me off that the Presidency is still getting away with it!))

Below is the part that Andrew Napolitano left out of his essay… Why?  

The girl in the picture posted with this ranting is Nora, the little sister to the teenager murdered by Obama. She had made it to the age of 8 living with her widowed mother and grandparents. In fact, her ancestors  have been there since the mid 900s  when 10 tribes migrated away from the coastal plain and outside influence up onto the plateau that is now home for nearly 50000 people.   Coincidentally one of the people that migrated into Northern Yemen was a blood relative of Mohammed. 

They formed a confederation that became one of the strongest and longest lasting regimes in Arabian history.  Until it was discovered that there was potential for natural resources as expressed by the Ottoman Empire and the British became interested… they secured their foothold by supplying a successful resistance in this region to the invasion of the Ottomans.  

That foothold remained long enough that the new technologies used to search for minerals had advanced enough that drones were also used to do magnetic mapping and frequency specific radar surveys of several known wide range deposits.  In the Mid-1990s a Canadian Mining Exploration company obtained the rights to two known deposits… one deposit has almost unheard of levels of Gold… in fact there’s a rather rich large range of it.  But the people that live up around these deposits don’t want their land destroyed and their way of life decimated by profiteering to feed secularism.  A little more in that after We catch up to little Nora on this day 5 years ago…

Sometime early in the morning of January 29, 2017 American troops attacked a ‘compound’ where Nora and her family lived.  Little Nora never reach 9 because she ended up shot in the neck during an American military action in a foreign nation that the US has no business operating in.  She died in her wounded American mother’s arms… 

But the story gets even deeper… But the questions have to be asked first.  

Why is America participating in and supplying arms to supply a military action to take over a mountainous area of Yemen?  Is it because the people from there are opposed to being subjected to outside control of their lives and the subsequent invasion upon their homelands by Western ideals and bulldozers?  They know it’s coming… wherever man finds G.O.D. He vows to wreak havoc and hell until the people and then the land are destroyed and forgotten.  

What’s so damned important about this little spot on Earth that the Worlds powers are paying each other to kill people for? It’s not democracy… because in that region of the world one Islamic government is pretty much just like the next one that may come along.  Even when it comes to corruption… and that of course is directly tied to money.  

Yemen has a lot of minerals and gas that the Western industrial nations want to exploit.  The age of using military might to take resources has never gone away, it merely was rebranded over and over again.  But that’s not where it starts… First they try economic colonialism and this is what happened to Yemen. 

Why has Yemen been involved in a 8 year long Civil War? The oil revenues from production were in decline thus reducing the amount of money the Yemen government had to maintain social programs and itself.  So they chose to begin reducing spending on social subsidy programs and the cuts disproportionately affected the populations in Northern Yemen.  The tipping point was when the Yemeni government cut the nearly 80% subsidies for consumer fuels which caused the price of everything to skyrocket and consumer goods rapidly became scarce.  This all in a country that is full of fuels… but wait those fuels are exported elsewhere while the resident populations live in ‘poverty’ dependent upon bureaucratic handouts.  The Houthi movement in Yemen is taking a truly Islamic approach to how Yemen is to be run.   

Islam directs society to have as little impact upon the Earth as possible.  But even man falls from his Faith at times and a lot of those times have to do with wanting more money and power.  As globalism grew, so did the need for resources and Anglo Corporatists corrupted government leaders in the resource rich Middle East and in particular the Arabian Peninsula.  When the Houthi government took charge and shut down all mineral exploration and took over the oil and gas production, they cut out the ‘middleman’ in the form of British and Canadian exploration and development corporations.  A direct stab into their wallets… of course Saudi Arabia doesn’t want a Orthodox Republic that opposes resource development and ecocolonialism for a neighbor.  So they get the US and UK to fund a War to oust a government in another nation… for whose benefit? Certainly not Yemen or even America’s for that matter.  

The American media buries this… Congress ignores it and Americans act like it’s no big deal. When the elite can use Americans to murder Americans with impunity… the Judge does get it right, Our Constitution has become broken.  And I hear the sigh of #AmericanApathy across the land. 

Napolitano Essay Link:

Our Constitution Is Now Dysfunctional |

#CorruptionOfBlood Reading: