“And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with death.” (Revelation 6:8)
Green is supposedly the Prophet's favorite color and is used in sacraments throughout Islam. It is also the color of the 'Fourth Horseman' of the Apocalypse as described in the Bible. Most english based translations use the term 'pale', but the correct color is a light or pale green. The original texts having been translated from Greek and into Western thought. Of course no one conceived that a 'horse' would be green, but that horse is also metaphorical. The 4 horsemen describe the stages that will lead up to what the Bible calls the Final Battle between good and evil, God and Satan, Heaven and Hell. The scourge of Islam is growing and as foretold in the Bible, it will pervade the Earth and subject humanity to Death. That is the stated goal of most Islamist radicals that are adherents to the Quran.
So, here We have two books of religion that tell Us that this is going to happen. Does this mean that We as humans have to just accept this and await the outcome or do We stand up and resist the evil that is spreading upon creation?