Monday, November 9, 2015

The Green Scourge Grows...

As the Green Scourge of moslems grows... Europe will see the next wave of violent radicalization and eventual domination of society at the hands of izlam. As their territory grows, so will their momentum and appetite to destroy the Western culture that has fueled discontent and financed wars in the Middle East for the last century. This is their commission from their religious text, just as the Bible says to go and witness the teachings of God and Jesus to the World, the quran instructs moslems to do they same for their own belief, but in an altogether different way.
Personally, I think that the US people should be beating down the doors of Congress at home and work and wherever... demanding an immediate disengagement from tactical operations other than facility security and then a withdrawal of every person and penny from the entire region and Africa as well. That's pretty much what the US Constitution mandates.
Imagine all those billions going to those places that really hate Us being used to take care of America First? But nope... everyone wants to look at tree houses and cats... seriously, maybe praying for Rapture is about the most positive thing folks can do at this point ‽

ISIL Massacres 200 children...