Thursday, November 26, 2015

Giving Thanks 2015

Giving Thanks 2015

In today's 'politically correct' social world, it's easy to get lost in the nuances of liberalism that have taken such a hard grip upon America and forget that despite the global conquest being played out by the Anglo-Saxons for the last 600 years... We The People have a lot to be thankful for.  

So... if You are gathered with friends, family and folks to hangout, stuff yourselves and maybe even watch football, Please remember that there are millions of fellow Americans that aren't so fortunate.  The reasons for this are what matters most, as a lot of Americans remain apathetic to what the root cause of the decline in Our society... Perpetual Global Welfare & War.  

Our People and Resources have been used to prop up and promote global domination and destruction for the benefit of an 'elite' class of corporatists that never blink an eye at the existence of the people.  Thankfully here in America We aren't seeing the wrath of Russia/Turkey/Syria/France/Germany/US(IS) /US(FSA) / US(al nurqsa) / US(Turkmen) and a myriad of others playing out in Our streets.  

I am thankful for God's Grace because I am not a perfect man and my belief in God doesn't require me to treat others with disdain and death if they don't agree with and submit to it.  

I am thankful for God because He's probably a big part of why I also am Thankful for my Family...

I am also Thankful to God for creating Swine... Today's Thanksgiving Turkey is roasting nicely after several Bacon Butter basting sessions has now been topped with thick cut Bacon.  

Happy Thanksgiving Folks! 

Current Cooking Tunes...
A Time To Kill