Not knowing the motives or thought processes of the obviously maniacal shooter involved in the Colorado incident of last Friday... I can safely say that he's probably done more to 'help' liberals in their striving to subvert the US Constitution than anyone in recent history. Just the fact that he's caucasian has given many in the press 'free reign' to begin the tarring and feathering of others. Now, anyone that dares to say that they oppose the government funding of Planned Parenthood is being smeared with the same shitstick that this idiot must have been hitting himself with.
Let me be perfectly clear... the actions of this isolated moron who is probably mentally incapacitated due to too many big pharma cocktails do not represent all pro-life people. Here's a singular disturbed person that for some reason(s) woke up one day and decided that an act of terror would be his 'best' contribution to an already muddled issue. What he did wasn't pro-anything and for people painting others with the same 'brush', you simply are being ignorant of human nature.
But let's get back to the title
of this rant, Extremism. All issues/beliefs have extremist factions. This applies to everything, not just religion and secular politics...
In the past year, American has seen several incidents of violence spurred out of extremism of sort... for example the moslem extremists that attacked the Chattanooga Armed Forces Recruiting Stations and the Umpqua Community College. Both shooters were acting out on feelings/thoughts based upon some distorted religious/political belief and targeted innocents while doing so. But to call all moslem adherents 'jihadis' is considered to be broad-stroking and 'unfair', despite the simple fact that their religious texts command them to be jihadis.
So, if a person thinks that the US Government shouldn't be contributing to the funding of Planned parenthood and is 'vocal' about it... Please don't think that they're releasing the charging handle and tapping the forward assist. Branding people for the actions of others is like tossing the baby out with the wash water. We as American have some real struggles coming down the line and We mustn't let the governments come up with even more restrictions upon liberty and success.
Have a great Sunday!