Times Of The End?
How will We know and are You
prepared for the end of the Earth as We know it now?
Matthew 24:6 Says…
“6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not
troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.”
Many people across the
globe are now bracing for what is commonly known as ‘The End Times’, when the
tribulations predicted in the Apocalypse of John (commonly known as
Revelations) will begin. Some folks are
stockpiling foods, commo equipment, arms and ammunition for what they foresee
as a period of absolute chaos in society. In Revelations, there are ambiguously
described events like the ominous ‘Mark of the Beast’ (Revelations 13:16-18, 19:20)
and mass societal immorality that people use as talking points to back-up their
predictions. But the main point for
people to concern themselves with is the absolute eventuality of the
Some Christian sects
believe that the rapture will occur as the tribulations begin and others
believe that the rapture will happen either halfway through or right near the
end. Regardless of when it happens,
people must prepare for it now. That
preparation doesn’t mean to stock up on AR-15s and MREs either, although this
is not a bad idea. It means to repent
from sinfulness and turn to the one true way for eternal salvation. We do not know God’s plans or timelines and
must be fully ready for when He chooses to call his people to him… To do otherwise
is mere foolishness.
For any readers that have read the Book of Revelations and the “Left Behind” series of books, they should be motivated to immediately take heed of the possibility that God is fully capable and willing to wreak havoc upon his creation at any time of his choosing. He’s done it before and clearly said several times that he will do it again. But let’s not dwell upon that because as Christians, We know through faith that We are ready. Let’s look upon how We can help others prepare for this eventuality.
For any readers that have read the Book of Revelations and the “Left Behind” series of books, they should be motivated to immediately take heed of the possibility that God is fully capable and willing to wreak havoc upon his creation at any time of his choosing. He’s done it before and clearly said several times that he will do it again. But let’s not dwell upon that because as Christians, We know through faith that We are ready. Let’s look upon how We can help others prepare for this eventuality.
After Jesus rose from
the Dead, he told the disciples how to prepare for his Second Coming. “16 Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which
Jesus had directed them. 17 And
when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted. 18 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples
of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching
them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am
with you always, to the end of the age.”
You see folks… We
needn’t worry ourselves with these signs of the end, because We seal our own
fate when We either accept or reject the salvation. No one knows the time of the Second Coming of
Jesus and the establishment of the Kingdom.
But we are adequately instructed on how to prepare.
However… let’s take a short
look into those so-called signs of the end-times. The first and foremost is the aforementioned
‘Mark of the Beast’. This has in modern
theory been linked to social security numbers and other government
identifications and even to the new technological development of micro RFID
chips that can be placed into a human body that carry information linking it to
a government database. In Revelation
13:17 it says that people will not be able to conduct commerce without having
this ‘mark’. Technically speaking in
accordance with law, people are not allowed to barter/trade for goods or
services without using money. Looking at
the Greek meanings of the texts used to compile the Book of Revelations, the ‘mark’
or charagma translates out to meaning money of the state. This is the fulfillment of the second
head of the beast that rose from the sea.
The next revelation to readily come to mind is the Horsemen of the Apocalypse. In the original Greek the fourth horseman is χλωμός...
The next revelation to readily come to mind is the Horsemen of the Apocalypse. In the original Greek the fourth horseman is χλωμός...
“And power was
given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with
death.” (Revelation 6:8)
Green was the
Prophet Mohammed’s favorite color and is used in sacraments throughout Islam.
It is also the color of the 'Fourth Horseman' of the Apocalypse as described in
the Bible. Most English based translations use the term 'pale', but the correct
color is a light or pale green. The original texts having been translated from
Greek and into Western thought. Of course, no one conceived that a 'horse'
would be green, but that horse is also metaphorical. The 4 horsemen describe
the stages that will lead up to what the Bible calls the Final Battle between
good and evil, God and Satan, Heaven and Hell. The scourge of Islam is growing
and as foretold in the Bible, it will pervade the Earth and subject humanity to
Death. That is the stated goal of most Islamist radicals that are adherents to
the Quran. In Islam the ideals of the
end times are called the Yawm al-Qiyāmah or Day of Resurrection.
The Quran teaches these seven key aspects of the end-times:
1. The time is known only
to God.
2. Even Muhammad cannot
bring it forward.
3. Those who have been dead,
when resurrected, will believe that a short time has passed between death and
4. Nothing will remain
except God. God will resurrect all, even if they have turned to stone or
5. Those that have
accepted false deities will suffer in the afterlife.
Al-Masih ad-Dajjal or the ‘false messiah’ will come to
deceive the people.
The end-time will be of terrible
chaos and disorder.
So, here We have two books of religion that tell Us that this is
going to happen. Does this mean that We as humans have to just accept this and
await the outcome or do We stand up and resist the evil that is spreading upon
creation? The Bible clearly tells Us
that We must spread the message of Salvation and that We mustn’t bow to the
evils of the World. In doing so, We are
to resist the tyranny that evil brings no matter what the earthly consequence
may be.