Wednesday, April 12, 2017

BTW... Who do You Believe‽

In 2011 under the guidance of the Obama administration, US intelligence operatives began actively & openly working with Islamists in Syria to oust President Assad's government.  This was two years before the much covered chemical weapons attack that first brought widespread international attention on the civil war in that sovereign nation in 2013.  Initially the Western Press intimated that the atrocity of using chemical weapons against civilians was the responsibility of the Assad regime.  Then President Obama threatened to use force to punish the government and was immediately challenged by the press and others that demanded proof of Syrian government culpability in the attack.  Eventually a plan to remove WMDs was drawn up and international teams went in and supervised the removal and destruction of the Syrian government's chemical weapons.  However, the Assad government wasn't the only combatant force with chemical warfare capabilities involved in Syria.  

This disarmament plan was touted by the Obama administration as a success... now herein lies the problem.  Either the international effort to strip the Syrian government's chemical weapons capability failed horribly the wrong combatants were targeted by the effort.  But here's the real kicker... in 2012 then US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton began an effort to arm Syrian Rebels with all manner of munitions.  Y'all remember the gunrunning operation that was being run through the US consulate in Libya, right?  

As a part of that operation, the US supplied so called 'moderates' in Syria with all manner of light infantry weapons and supplies through a British middleman and shipped them to Syria using a Turkish flagged carrier.  But there were also weapons moved from Syria's northern neighbor of Iraq.  During the nearly decade long occupation of Iraq by 'coalition' forces, tons upon tons of all sorts of Soviet era munitions had been rounded up from local militia groups that had been friendly with the Baathist regime of Saddam Hussein. Those stockpiles did in fact contain artillery shells that were capable of delivering chemical weapons.  The evidence in this attack doesn't support the aerial delivery method either... It does support that the munitions that did explode were in a central location being occupied by supposed American allied and supplied Jihadists.

BTW... Who do You Believe, The Western Media or Eyewitness & Expert testimony like these:

""The idea that a popular uprising took place against President Assad is completely false. I've been in Qara since 2010 and I have seen with my own eyes how agitators from outside Syria organized protests against the government and recruited young people. That was filmed and aired by Al Jazeera to give the impression that a rebellion was taking place. Murders were committed by foreign terrorists, against the Sunni and Christian communities, in an effort to sow religious and ethnic discord among the Syrian people. While in my experience, the Syrian people were actually very united. " Flemish Father Daniël Maes 

Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson – chief of staff to Colin Powell – says:
"Most of my sources are telling me, including members of the team that monitors global chemical weapons, including people in Syria, including people in the U.S. intelligence community, that what most likely happened … that they hit a warehouse that they had intended to hit. And had told both sides, Russia and the United states, that they were going to hit. This is the Syrian air force, of course. And this warehouse was alleged to have ISIS supplies in it, and, indeed, it probably did, and some of those supplies were precursors for chemicals. Or, possibly an alternative, they were phosphates for the cotton growing, fertilizing the cotton-growing region that’s adjacent to this area. And the bombs hit, conventional bombs, hit the warehouse, and because of a very strong wind, and because of the explosive power of the bombs, they dispersed these ingredients and killed some people." 

So... why the heck is the American Government pushing a war in Syria?  One only need to look back at this post I wrote back in 2013: " Last week I mentioned several times the issue of “Why” the United States government seems so hell-bent on starting up a war with Syria.  Upfront the Obama administration says that any action by US forces is aimed at humanitarian relief for the people of Syria.  Bombing Syria because it bombed itself is just about the most worthless excuse for starting a military conflict as I have ever heard.  It is so reminiscent of the first two Gulf Wars and the lies expelled by Our government 12 years ago.  But it really is more of a déjà vu than most folks realize…"