Friday, October 5, 2018

Thank You Senator Murkowski

Thank You Lisa Murkowski for your vote against forwarding Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court to a US Senate Floor vote...  

His opinions on the domestic mass surveilance system and involvement with authoring the 'Patriot Act' are antithetical to the principals of the US Constitution. By upholding the premise that the government is an almighty entity over We The People, he clearly has a misunderstanding of history.  This nation was founded on the ideals of small government and personal liberty which have not been reflected in his tenure while serving as a judge.   )Reference moved to here via a suggestion: )

Once again, Thank You for voting in line with the Oath of Office that you swore upon when elected to represent We The People.  Please forgive me if this is not why you voted against his nomination going forward because I can't think of any other reason you would vote against a supposed conservative being a Supreme Court Justice.  By the way... What's up with that picture of Senator Feinstien and Yourself in the hallway?
