Monday, November 5, 2018

Public Radio?

Alaska PUBLIC Media...

You folks see the key word that I capitolized, Right?

A few days ago, Alaska Public Media published a story pertaining to public opinion regarding the Alaska Governor's race.  In that story, they used information and opinion from Ivan Moore.  For those readers that may not know; Mr. Moore is a non-Citizen foreigner that attempts to profiteer from trying to influence elections in Alaska.  Oh, and it gets better because Mr. Moore posted a facebook poll... on which I voted and commented in a civil, yet truthful manner.  Less than an hour later my comments were scrubbed and the Alaska Research page blocked me.  

However, let's get back to the point of this post.  Why is a public media entity that recieves government support promoting the opinions of Ivan Moore?  Am I the only one that has noticed the bias being put forth by our public radio stations?  

My growing disdain for Alaska public radio is saddening.  I have been a supporter and participant in public radio events in my community for quite sometime. No, I'm not a 'top teir contributer', but I try to do my part.  I give money, donate time and even feed staffers.  Heck, I even called in a lot of favors and spents days organizing a week long call-in show with AK Governor candidates.  That effort drew a backlash from local democrats and even an unannounced, yet contentious home visit from my Alaska District 37 State Representative.  But that visit is worthy of a few blog posts... for real.

Stay Tuned!